1500+ NOS & Vintage Listings Adde

1500+ NOS & Vintage Listings Adde

Thousands of new listings

We have finally caught up with our vintage tube listings. It has been quite some time since we've had new offerings due to the holiday rush and us adding many New Production tubes to our lineup. 

In the past few weeks we have added over 1500 new listings of singles, pairs quads and more including the following tubes:

12AT7, 6J5, 6F8, 6V6G, 6L6G, 1626, 6GW8, 6GK5, 6EM7, 6DN7 and many more! 

Click here to view our vintage inventory sorted newest to oldest

Thanks for shopping with us, rest assured, we are still listing many vintage tubes and aren't planning to slow that down!

5th Feb 2019 Dave Mell

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