
Low Stock Update

As I'm sure some have noticed, all of the large tube manufacturers have been running low on stock and there are massive shortages. We've been buying smart and have managed to keep 95% of our inventory in stock. However, there are a few tubes that we are very low on. We advise stocking up before it's too late. We hope to have everything back in stock by the Fall of 2021 but the market is very unpredictable right now.

Low Stock as of June 2021

Note: if something on this list is no longer visible in our store, it means we're totally sold out

Mullard 12AX7

Mullard CV4004

Mullard EL34

Mullard 6L6GC

Genalex 12AX7 Gold Pins

Genalex 12AU7 Gold Pins

Genalex 12AT7 Gold Pins

Tung-Sol 12AX7

Tung-Sol 12AT7

Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB

Tung-Sol 7581A

Tung-Sol 7591A

Sovtek 12AX7LPS

Electro-Harmonix 6CA7

Electro-Harmonix 6L6GC

Electro-Harmonix 7868

Electro-Harmonix 6BM8

Electro-Harmonix 6SN7

Electro--Harmonix 12DW7

Elecftro-Harmonix 6CA4 EZ81

JJ 6922


Svetlana 6N1P

Sovtek 6N1P

16th Jun 2021 Dave Mell

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